Very nice thoughts and memories. Steven Wright was at the top of his game back then. Quite a hoot that he heard you gurgling... and commented on it! I love the idea of collecting set lists. Great personal memorabilia and snapshots of a moment in time. I remember how you got the Mary Chapin Carpenter set list. A very cool and unlikely story that makes me like MCC even more! And I love seeing these FOW lists. What a wonderful band they were!

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Thank you! And yes, that MCC show was wild when I got that HUGE set list on stage from her directly. A moment to be remembered. I'm also going to need your help deciphering some of these "mystery set lists" that I have two full folders of...

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You are the master of acquiring set lists. It takes a lot of moxie to get the set lists from stage crews and your persistence and charm always pay off ❤️❤️

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Thank you so much. “The Master of set lists,” I love it!

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Love this piece. Just like photo albums, seeing the tangible pieces of paper of handwritten set lists is fantastic. Happy skipping down memory lane, and each set list has a story of its own. Here’s to the future. 💚😍🤩

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Thank you, and yes, I totally agree!

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I'm happy you found these! Thanks for sharing them (and the shoutout)! Any rough idea how many you have total? I went to a lot of shows--and have the hearing to prove it--but I was never able to get a setlist. I wish I would've; something like this would be great to look back at.

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Thank you! I'm going to guess I have close to 200 set lists. Although there's probably about 50 in the mystery folder that I cannot figure out the show it was from... And I hear ya about the hearing, totally worth it though. Thanks for reading!

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hah! I love that your folks were bringing you to live music even when you were in diapers!! My folks were doing that with plays and classical music. When I was dating a rock drummer in my teens, my father turned him on to opera (Carmina Burana) and they ended up using it as a prelude to a song. Music is SO MUCH a part of a healthy happy life! I've never saved set lists but have kept mental notes often and have texted what I remembered to friends. Now I wish I could retrieve those texts.

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Ha! I love that we have so much in common, and that your father was introducing opera to your teenage bf! You are SO correct about music being a part of a healthy and happy life. And remember, it's never too late to start collecting set lists! :)

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do love a good setlist!

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